SAA Compliance

Compliance is a critical element of SAA accreditation. Our compliance procedures ensure Australian Standards, SAA Guidelines and other regulations are followed and the standard of work upheld. Quality work ensures that the reputation of the rooftop solar and battery storage industry is maintained so that demand for the industry remains strong. 

When SAA is made aware of a design or installation that does not meet relevant Australian Standards, SAA Requirements or other regulations, we contact the responsible accredited person to inform them of the issue and the required actions to remediate any non-compliance. This may involve completing rectifications to address a specific non-compliance.

SAA’s compliance program interacts with compliance audit information provided by multiple sources. SAA’s primary source of compliance data is the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) inspections program administered by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER). 

SAA also acts on compliance matters brought to us by State/Territory Electrical Regulators, other Scheme Operators, Industry and Consumers. SAA takes a risk-based approach to compliance.

SAA Compliance Process & Actions

SAA compliance process

When SAA receives a compliance matter, we will assess the information provided and issue the responsible accredited person with a Notice of Rectification and Demerit points.

Rectification of Non-compliant Installations

When SAA Compliance receive a non-compliance matter, the information will be assessed, and where appropriate, a Notice of Rectification will be sent to the accredited person. 

The accredited person is responsible for ensuring that all non-compliant items are rectified and will be given a timeframe in which to respond to the Notice of Rectification from SAA. 

Each non-compliant item shall be rectified to meet the relevant regulation and Proof of Rectification (PoR) shall be provided to SAA in the form of a photograph or document that proves compliance.

Failure to respond to notices/requests from SAA may result in a No Response Suspension. Failure to respond to notices/requests from SAA for a period of 6 months or greater may result in Cancellation of accreditation.

Demerit points

SAA will allocate demerit points as a result of:

  • Technical non-compliance;
  • Safety non-compliance.

Demerit point duration

Demerit points last for 2 years from the date they are given and are automatically removed after the 2 years have lapsed.

Demerit Points vs Non-Compliance Points

Accrual of non-compliance points 

Non-compliance points are based on the individual non-compliant items contained within the reports we receive, not on the overall categorisation of the report. See the table below for the number of non-compliance points associated with different categories of non-compliance – Unsafe, Needs Rectification, Medium non-compliance, and Minor non-compliance.

SAA Non-compliance points structure

SAA CategoryCER Inspection CategorySAA Non-Compliance PointsDescription
UnsafeUnsafe10The system poses an imminent risk of damage to property or persons. The system had to be shut down and made safe.
Needs RectificationNeeds Rectification6The system has failed to meet key requirements and poses a high risk that may lead to premature equipment failure or other issues.
Medium non-complianceMedium non-compliance2The system has failed to meet requirements and poses a medium risk.
Minor non-complianceMinor non-compliance1The system has failed to meet requirements and poses a low risk.

Non-compliance points and demerit points

The total number of non-compliance points (per report) are used to establish Demerit Points against the installer’s accreditation in line with the table below: 


Non-compliance Points (per report)Demerit Points
1 to 51
6 to 102
11 to 153
15 to 204
21 to 255
26 to 306
31 to 357
36 to 408
41 to 509
51 or more10


Impact of Demerit Points

  • If 21 or more demerit points are accrued in a 2 year period, the accredited person may be suspended or cancelled from the SAA accreditation scheme. 
NOTE: This is covered in greater detail below in ‘Suspensions & Cancellations’. 
  • A show cause notice will be issued that sets out the reasons for the decision to suspend or cancel the accredited person from the SAA accreditation scheme. The show cause notice will identify the right of review.  
  • If the accredited person completes an unsafe installation and has not rectified the work within 10 business days of receiving a final report from the Clean Energy Regulator, SAA may issue a notice to show cause for suspension. 
  • In a Suspended or Cancelled status, STCs cannot be claimed. 

Suspensions and Cancellations

  • First suspension – suspended from the program for 3 months – plus one month for every 4 points over the 21 point limit (no more than 6 months).  
  • Second suspension – suspended from the program for 6 months – plus one month for every 4 points over the 21 point limit (no more than 12 months). 
  • Third suspension (over more than 5 years) – suspended from the program for 12 months  
  • Third suspension (within 5 years) – cancellation of accreditation for a minimum of 12 months  
  • Two cancellations in a 10 year period results in lifetime cancellation of accreditation without the possibility of becoming accredited again with SAA.  
  • SAA reserves the right to cancel accreditations for reasons beyond technical non-compliance.
NOTE: A ‘No Response Suspension’ does not count towards the cumulative total of ‘Suspensions’ listed above. 

Returning from Suspension 

To come back into the SAA accreditation scheme following a suspension, the accredited person may be required to sit an online assessment and achieve a minimum pass mark of 80%. Three attempts will be provided before the accredited person is locked out for a month from further attempts.
NOTE: This requirement does not apply to a ‘No Response Suspension’.

Returning from Cancellation

To come back into the SAA accreditation scheme following a cancellation, the accredited person is required to retrain at a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) before going back through the SAA Accreditation process from the beginning. The training units completed at the RTO must align with the current accreditation pathways on the SAA website at time of application.

Demerit Points following Suspension or Cancellation

Demerit Points reset to 0 when the accredited person re-enters the scheme from suspension or cancellation. 

Review Requests

An accredited person may dispute the technical findings of SAA and/or a state/federal authority through a Review Request.  
Review requests must be submitted using the following form. Review requests submitted without supporting evidence, a summary of the dispute and references to the relevant clauses will not be assessed.   
Please ensure that all fields are correctly and clearly filled out. The completed form can be emailed to