We would like to acknowledge the valuable and valid feedback we received on the Essential Learning Module that was recently released. I am particularly grateful to those who has taken the time to make us aware of their concerns and who have given SAA an opportunity to respond and improve.
SAA has taken your feedback onboard and can now confirm the adjustments.
1. Concerns about SAA changing the rules and accreditees not being aware of the requirement to complete essential learning modules.
We acknowledge that this requirement could have been more clearly communicated at the outset of the program and understand why some were caught off-guard. We are committed to improving our consultation with industry going forward.
However, the requirement to deliver essential learning modules has always been a requirement of SAA’s scheme, and forms part of our commitment to the CER. The essential learning modules are designed to ensure that all accreditees are aware of important standard and regulatory changes that effect the industry and know about the common compliance issues that are identified through the compliance inspection program.
Whilst we cannot remove the requirement to complete the Essential Learning Module, and all accreditees will need to complete one of the options below, SAA will extend the deadline for completion to 1st July 2025, giving accreditation holders more time to complete the course.
2. Concerns that accreditees have not been given a choice to complete the essential training with a provider other than SAA or the ability to choose a free option over a paid one.
This is valid and important feedback. Our intent was not to restrict choice. Rather we were trying to offer a time and cost-effective option to the industry which also meets the learning outcomes. In future SAA will continue to offer courses, but will ensure that wherever there is alternate provider, accreditees will have the choice of using that provider.
Given this feedback, SAA confirms that accreditees have the following options to meet the essential learning requirements:
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Essential Learning Module – delivered by the SAA;
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1 Updates module (CPD197) – delivered by GSES (AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Updates – GSES)
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1 module Part 1 to Part 6 (CPD135, 139, 157, 160, 170, 182) – delivered by the SEC (Smart Installer – Smart Energy Council)
Important Information about having your alternate training recognised:
If accreditees have already completed options 2 or 3, this will be recognised in the portal once SAA receives the certificate of completion.
Those who have completed a different course on AS/NZS 4777.1, and believe that the course meets the requirements, can contact SAA to get it assessed (see an outline of the content that is required to meet the requirements in the frequently asked questions section).
Many accreditees have raised questions about whether presentations at roadshows are sufficient to cover the essential learning requirements. Unfortunately, these information sessions are not sufficient as they do not cover the content in depth (see requirements in the frequently asked questions section below). However, the points count towards your CPD requirements.
3. Concerns about needing to complete more than 100 points in a CPD year.
SAA can confirm that those who have already earned 100 CPD points prior to the release of the Essential Learning Module on the 31st of January 2025, will have the points for the essential learning module credited towards the next CPD cycle, provided that they have not previously claimed these points as part of their annual total.
Where individuals have not completed 100 points, but completing the essential module requirements would take them above 100 points, SAA will credit the balance above 100 points to the next CPD cycle.
The points attached to the three options listed above are as follows:
- AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Essential Learning Module – delivered by the SAA attracts 20 CPD points.
- AS/NZS 4777.1 Updates module (CPD197) – delivered by GSES AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Updates – GSES – attracts 20 CPD points.
- AS/NZS 4777.1 module Part 1 to Part 6 (CPD135, 139, 157, 160, 170, 182) – delivered by the SEC (Smart Installer – Smart Energy Council) – attracts 15 points per module, or 90 points in total.
SAA will contact individuals, who have completed the SAA Course, and are eligible for CPD point credits by Wednesday, 19 February 2025. If you believe you should be eligible but have not heard from us by that date, please reach out directly.
4. The need to improve industry engagement.
As we continue to mature as an organisation, we see ongoing industry engagement as a critical part of the Accreditation Scheme’s operations moving forward. To ensure we can take account of industry views in the development of future programs, we are committed to standing up an Industry Reference Group.
We will have more information about this Industry Reference group shortly and will share this through our monthly newsletter and directly with the industry groups.
5. A reminder to upload CPD information.
Finally, I would like to remind our accreditees of the requirement to complete 100 points by the anniversary of their accreditation. A recent review of progress has highlighted that about one third of our accreditees have reported substantially less than the 100 points required. We understand that demonstrating CPD activity is time consuming for industry and we are currently exploring ways to make this a much easier process. In the meantime, SAA will send reminders to those who are approaching their anniversaries and have not yet reported on their CPD.
In closing, I sincerely apologise for the confusion and concern that this issue can caused the industry. I remain committed to listening and responding to your feedback and SAA will work hard to ensure that the accreditation program is one that industry can be proud of. Following is some additional information/ frequently asked questions.
Kind regards,
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the essential learning module content requirements that a course needs to meet for SAA to approve it?
SAA evaluates course eligibility based on the substantial nature of content covered across all six sections of the standard:
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 1 – Overview
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 2- IES Supply Types
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 3- Interface Protection & Multiple Inverter Installations
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 4- Electric Vehicles & EV Supply Equipment
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 5- Inverter Power Sharing Devices
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 6- IES Verification
Do I need to complete the essential learning module if I already have 100 CPD points this CPD cycle?
All accreditees will need to complete one of the following options:
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Essential Learning Module – delivered by the SAA;
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1 Updates module (CPD197) – delivered by GSES (AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Updates – GSES)
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1 module Part 1 to Part 6 (CPD135, 139, 157, 160, 170, 182) – delivered by the SEC (Smart Installer – Smart Energy Council)
SAA extends the deadline for completion to 1st July 2025, giving accreditation holders more time to complete the course.
I completed some courses on the AS/NZS 4777.1, how do I know if this is enough to meet the essential learning module requirements?
SAA recognises the following three courses: AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Essential Learning Module delivered by SAA, AS/NZS 4777.1 Updates (CPD197) module delivered by GSES and AS/NZS 4777.1 module Part 1 to Part 6 (CPD135, 139, 157, 160, 170, 182) delivered by the SEC.
Installers who have completed a different course on AS/NZS 4777.1, and believe that the course meets the requirements, can contact SAA on info@saaustralia.com.au to get it assessed.
I already completed the AS/NZS 4777.1 Essential Learning Module from SAA and have over 100 CPD points, can I get them carried over?
SAA will contact individuals, who have completed the SAA Course, and are eligible for CPD point credits by Wednesday, 19 February 2025. If you believe you should be eligible but have not heard from us by that date, please reach out directly.