How we’re tracking

It has been an incredibly busy first few weeks at Solar Accreditation Australia, so we’d like to give you an update on how we’re tracking. We thank everyone who has submitted an application to transfer accreditation, renew their accreditation or apply for provisional accreditation. If you haven’t applied yet, take a look at our FAQs…

Keep your accreditation number private

Please keep your accreditation number private. We’ve seen a number of installers share their accreditation certificate online, showing their accreditation number. While, yes, it’s exciting to receive accreditation with SAA – we’re happy, you’re happy! – your accreditation number is unique to you and should not be shared. If you wish to share the news…

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs)

In our conversations with people looking to transfer their accreditation to SAA, many are asking the same questions and looking for the same answers. Here are the answers to these frequently asked questions. What are the accreditation categories? Grid Connect Photovoltaics (GCPV) Grid Connect Battery Systems (GCBS)  Stand-alone Power Systems (SPS) How do I get…

Breaking News

Solar Accreditation Australia launched

The Clean Energy Regulator announces Solar Accreditation Australia is the new accreditation scheme operator for installers and designers. Canberra – 29 February 2024 – The announcement by the Clean Energy Regulator that a new ASO has been approved marks the public launch of Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA).  As appointed by the Clean Energy Regulator, from…

Breaking News

Industry Welcomes Launch of Solar Accreditation Australia

Canberra and Brisbane – 29 February 2024 – The Smart Energy Council (SEC) and Master Electricians Australia (MEA) have welcomed the announcement that Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) will provide solar installer accreditation in support of the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme from today. “SAA will work collaboratively with industry, government bodies, and other relevant stakeholders to…

Fast facts for accredited installers and designers

There is no fee to transfer your accreditation to Solar Accreditation Australia.  Solar Accreditation Australia will honour CEC accreditation expiry dates and fees paid. An accreditation renewal fee will be due on expiry of your existing CEC accreditation. If your accreditation expired on or after 29 February, you must accredit yourself with Solar Accreditation Australia…