1. Accreditation
About SAA Accreditation
Q. What accreditation categories are available under the SAA Accreditation Scheme?
- Grid Connect Photovoltaics (GCPV)
Grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system, also known as a grid-tied or on-grid solar system, is a renewable energy system that generates electricity using solar panels. The generated electricity is used to power homes and businesses, and any excess energy can be fed back into the electrical grid.
- Grid Connect Battery Systems (GCBS)
Grid-connected solar system with battery storage generates power in the same way as a typical grid connected solar system but has the ability to store surplus energy generated for later use, rather than exporting it all to the grid.
- Stand-alone Power Systems (SPS)
SPS is an independent power supply which includes solar panels, a battery for energy storage and a back-up diesel generator. It operates independently from the electricity network of poles and wires and can be used to power homes or other types of accommodation.
Q. How do I get accredited with SAA?
New to accreditation
If you have not held an accreditation with us or with Clean Energy Council (CEC) previously, you will need to:
- complete the online application form for a Provisional Accreditation
- provide us with relevant documentation (refer to the documentation question)
- complete one of the courses listed in the Accreditation Pathways section
- provide ‘Statement of Attainment’ from an RTO for each relevant accreditation type.
Statement of Attainment needs to have the date of completion being within two (2) years of the application date.
- After obtaining Provisional Accreditation, installers and designers have up to 6 months to complete and submit a case study to gain Full Accreditation.
Add another accreditation type
If you are a current accreditation holder and would like to add another accreditation type, you simply need to complete an online application form and purchase the accreditation type you require.
You don’t need to do a case study.
Q. What documentation do I need to provide when I complete an accreditation application form?
- name, address and contact details
- business details including ABN/ACN (as applicable)
- proof of identification (current driver’s license, Australian or NZ Passport or Work Visa?)
- current electrical license number (if you hold Grid-Connect install accreditation)
- current picture of yourself (a selfie is acceptable)
- any information on outstanding compliance or rectification works
- Working At Heights Certificate
- a copy of your Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency
For those seeking Installation Accreditation will also need to supply their current Electrical License Number (include the expiry date) and current Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency (include the expiry date). We also need a Working Safely at Heights Certification for our records.
Please note the Electrical License Number and Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency need to be updated with us prior to their expiry to maintain your accreditation.
Q. Why do I need to have SAA accreditation?
SAA accreditation is required to be eligible to claim for small-scale technology certificates (STCs) under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). Accreditation holders can participate in other state-based rebate programs.
Q. How do I maintain an SAA accreditation?
The accreditation is issued for a 3-year period. During this time, installers and designers are required to maintain their accreditation by:
- responding to and addressing SAA compliance notices and requests for rectification.
- complete 100 CPD points every 12 months
- complete essential learning module training
Maintaining your accreditation is important for staying compliant with industry requirements and ensuring you stay informed about ongoing changes and advancements in the industry.
Accreditation Services
Q. What are the accreditation fees?
SAA accreditation is for a 3-year term. Fees for different accreditation types are available here.
Q. How do I upload a Statement of Attainments if it is missing from my accreditation order?
You can email it to casestudies@saaustralia.com.au. Once received, we will process it and add it to your accreditation order.
Q. How can I sign off on more than 2 installations per day?
An approved exemption from us is needed to sign off on the STC claims for more than 2 installations in a single day. Please see Clauses 3.4 & 3.5 of the SAA Requirements for the full requirement and email us at info@saaustralia.com.au for the exemption form.
Q. How do I renew my accreditation with SAA?
Login into the SAA Portal on www.saaustralia.com.au and press ‘Renew’ button. To renew you need to have 100 CPD points and a photo ID, a selfie and a copy of your training certificate.
Q. I’ve completed a Battery course, how do I add the accreditation to my account?
You need to login into the SAA Portal, go to “Purchase Accreditation Add-ons” on the home screen and follow the prompts. You need to provide Statement of Attainment, more information is on our website.
Q. Do I need to complete a case study to become accredited for Grid Connect Battery Storage (GCBS) with SAA?
Yes, once you have applied for, and been granted a provisional accreditation for GCBS by us, you will be required to submit a case study to transition to full accreditation.
Q. What happens if I let my accreditation expire (either to take time away from industry or slow to renew)?
If your accreditation expired less than 12 months ago, simply renew your accreditation in the SAA Portal on our website. If your accreditation expired 12 months ago or longer, you need to come back to SAA through the Accreditation Pathway.
Q. How do I update my contact details?
Please send your updated details to info@saaustralia.com.au and we will make changes in our system.
Q. Can I get a copy of the installer list?
We do not provide installer lists. Instead, you can search by installer name or accreditation number to find the information you need.
2. Continued Professional Development
About CPD
Q. What is CPD and why do I need it?
Continued professional development (CPD) provides ongoing training and professional development for installers and designers to stay up to date with advancements in technology and any changes to standards and regulations.
All accreditation holders need to complete CPD as part of their accreditation with us.
Q. What are the CPD requirements?
Under the SAA Accreditation Scheme, all accreditees are required to complete 100 CPD points every 12 months by the end of their CPD cycle to ensure they keep up to date with industry trends, regulations and best practice.
Q. What is a CPD annual cycle?
The CPD cycle is a 12-months period from the time accreditation is gained.
Q. Where can I find a list of CPD training available?
The CPD Courses – Solar Accreditation Australia page features a wide range of courses from third-party training providers to help you stay current with the latest technologies, industry trends, and regulations. There’s something available for all levels of experience.
CPD Points
Q. How do I know how many CPD points I have and how many more I need to get?
You can view the status of your CPD points and the due date for achieving 100 CPD points in the SAA Portal.
Q. What if 100 CPD points are not achieved in the 12 months?
Meeting the CPD requirement is important to continue to stay up-to-date with industry requirements and regular updates. The accreditation will be temporarily suspended if the requirement is not met until enough CPD points are completed, and accreditation is re-activated.
Q. How do I upload certificates of completion to get CPD points?
We encourage accreditation holders to submit their CPD certificate upon completion of the course to receive CPD points towards your SAA accreditation.
1. Click here and log in to your SAA Portal.
- Select the relevant training course from the drop-down list.
- Enter the course completion date (the course selected and the completion date need to match the CPD certificate uploaded).
- Upload the CPD certificate and click submit.
Please allow up to 3 days for your uploaded points to be processed.
Essential Learning Module AS/NZS 4777.1:2024
Q. What is an essential learning module?
The essential learning modules are designed to ensure that all accreditees are aware of important standard and regulatory changes that effect the industry. All accreditees will need to complete one of the essential learning module training options by 1st July 2025.
Q. What are the essential learning module content requirements that a course needs to meet for SAA to approve it?
SAA evaluates course eligibility based on the substantial nature of content covered across all six sections of the standard:
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 1 – Overview
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 2- IES Supply Types
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 3- Interface Protection & Multiple Inverter Installations
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 4- Electric Vehicles & EV Supply Equipment
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 5- Inverter Power Sharing Devices
- AS/NZS 4777.1- Part 6- IES Verification
Q. Do I need to complete the essential learning module if I already have 100 CPD points this CPD cycle?
All accreditees will need to complete one of the following options by the 1st of July 2025:
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Essential Learning Module – delivered by the SAA;
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1 Updates module (CPD197) – delivered by GSES (AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Updates – GSES)
- Complete AS/NZS 4777.1 module Part 1 to Part 6 (CPD135, 139, 157, 160, 170, 182) – delivered by the SEC (Smart Installer – Smart Energy Council)
Q. I completed some training on AS/NZS 4777.1:2024, how do I know if this is enough to meet the essential learning module requirement?
SAA recognises the following three courses: AS/NZS 4777.1:2024 Essential Learning Module delivered by SAA, AS/NZS 4777.1 Updates (CPD197) module delivered by GSES and AS/NZS 4777.1 module Part 1 to Part 6 (CPD135, 139, 157, 160, 170, 182) delivered by the SEC.
Installers who have completed a different course on AS/NZS 4777.1, and believe that the course meets the requirements, can contact SAA on info@saaustralia.com.au to get it assessed.