About accreditation

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has recently made significant changes to the accreditation process, impacting all Accredited Installers and Designers.
On 29 February 2024, the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) announced that Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) were the new Accreditation Scheme Operator.
From 29 of May 2024, only SAA Accredited designers and installers will be eligible to interact with the CER’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.
Supporting Australia to reduce, offset and track our emissions | Clean Energy Regulator.
SAA is now accepting new applications for Grid Connected PV (GCPV), Stand Alone Power (SPS) and Grid Connect Battery Storage (GCBS) accreditation.
Accreditation requirements, including training units, remain unchanged initially. SAA will acknowledge CPD previously completed under CEC’s Accreditation scheme.
Important documents
Who should get accredited?
Any individual who wishes to design or install Grid Connected PV systems (GCPV), Grid Connected Battery Systems (GCBS) or Stand Alone Power Systems (SPS), must be accredited under the SAA Scheme in order to be eligible for small-scale technology certificates (STCs).
In addition, many state-based rebate programs require the installer to be an Accredited Person.
Accreditation provides a high level of quality assurance, ensuring appropriately licenced, and skilled persons are accredited. SAA requires accredited persons to continue their training and professional development, ensuring that their knowledge and skills remain current with respect to new technologies, and changes to Standards and Regulations.
To learn more about the Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) and Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) here.

Types of accreditation
The first thing to know about accreditation is that there are different types – establish which one best applies to you and the work you want to undertake.
- Design only
- Install only
- Design and Install
- Design only
- Install only
- Design and Install
- Design only
- Install only
- Design and Install
WIND ENDORSEMENT (small scale)
HYDRO ENDORSEMENT (micro/small scale)
Supporting Australia to reduce, offset and track our emissions | Clean Energy Regulator
Solar Accreditation Australia will supply the appropriate logo badges for accredited persons to use in their business as part of the onboarding process to the new scheme.
The following fees apply for new applications for accreditation:
Application Type | Fee | |
Provisional GCPV, GCBS, SPS accreditation application | $181.50* | |
First Accreditation, upgrade to full (GCPV, GCBS, SPS) | $605.00* | valid for three years |
Additional accreditation, upgrade to full (GCPV, GCBS) | $605.00* | existing expiry date maintained |
Additional accreditation, upgrade to full (SPS) | $209.00* | existing expiry date maintained |
Renew accreditation | $759.00* | valid for three years |
*All fees are inclusive of GST. Transaction fees will be added at the time of transaction.
If you have questions, please contact accreditation@saaustralia.com.au.
Accreditation logos
To download the SAA logo, click the link below and follow the instructions. Please follow the Terms of Use when using the logo.