Non-Compliance Reporting - Consumers

The SAA Compliance team can assist consumers, through the Non-Compliance Reporting process, with technical non-compliance matters that relate to applicable Australian Standards and the local, state/territory and national legal requirements and SAA Requirements.

How we can help

SAA will seek to ensure that non-compliances are rectified in an efficient and timely manner by the responsible accredited person.

As a result of this process, the accredited person responsible may be given demerit points against their accreditation.

SAA can attribute Demerit Points for technical non-compliance matters that relate to applicable Australian Standards and the local, state/territory and national legal requirements and SAA Requirements.

SAA Compliance cannot assist complainants with disputes relating to the commercial, contractual, and financial arrangements. 

SAA Compliance cannot assist with complaints on systems that are more than 5 years old since commissioning.


SAA is committed to:

    • raising awareness about our non-compliance reporting process as broadly as possible;
    • enabling non-compliance reports to be made simply, fairly and free of charge;
    • resolving matters of non-compliance in an effective manner;
    • using non-compliance reporting and trends to drive improvement in our products and services, and, where relevant, seek changes in industry practices;
    • reviewing our non-compliance reporting processes regularly to ensure our systems meet our stakeholders’ needs.

Submitting a Non-Compliance Report

Non-Compliance Reports against SAA Accreditees must be submitted using the SAA Non-Compliance Report form (link here). 

Each non-compliant item listed in the report must be supported by:

    • Photographic or document based evidence
    • A written summary of the non-compliance
    • The clause/s that have been breached by the non-compliance. Each clause must reference the origin document – Australian Standards, SAA Requirements, local, state/territory and national regulations

SAA is not able to undertake audits/inspections on behalf of consumers and is reliant on the information provided in the report. It may be necessary to engage a person with suitable qualifications to conduct an audit of the system in question and create the report.

Once complete, the report can be submitted to the SAA Compliance team here:

NOTE: The owner of the system must provide permission for the report to be submitted to SAA. 

Following Submission of a Non-Compliance Report

SAA Compliance will provide a written response to you detailing the investigation, its findings and any corrective actions and timeframes for completion.  

Where a report is submitted that sits outside SAA’s responsibilities, SAA will provide advice on any alternative complaint pathways. Below is a list of ‘Useful Contacts’ that may be able to assist.

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Warranties and consumer guaranteesWarranties | ACCC
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