About the CPD Program

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program is a structured framework designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of installers and designers in the solar industry.

This program offers a range of learning opportunities, including workshops, seminars and online courses, tailored to meet the needs of solar professionals.

Accredited individuals are required to maintain ongoing training and professional development, to stay up to date with advancements in technology and any changes to standards and regulations.

Annual CPD requirements for installers and designers

  • Individuals need to complete a minimum of 100 CPD points every 12 months during the 3-year accreditation period.
  • Not meeting annual CPD requirements leads to suspension of accreditation. During this period, individuals are not eligible for small-scale technology certificates (STCs).
  • Accreditation can get re-activated when the 100 CPD points are achieved.

More information is available in the SAA Requirements document

Find a CPD course

The CPD courses page features a wide range of courses from third-party training providers to help you stay current with the latest technologies, industry trends, and regulations. There’s something available for all levels of experience.

Training Providers and Manufacturers:

To provide CPD accredited training courses, training providers will need to ensure their existing training programs are current, and that renewals and applications for new accredited training programs have been submitted to contact cpd@saaustralia.com.au